There are previous entries on the Castle Blog!! detailing a possibly fortified house....called Helsfell Hall. It's safe to assume that this building is most definitely Hesfell Hall and not the other properties near by.
The jury is still out on whether this building was fortified or not, although there are several features that would tend to indicate that if not fortified, it was indeed a very secure dwelling. It was certainly a very important building for the Briggs family, and owing to the fact that it was obviously the hall of the local area, there may have been some small scale of fortification\security necessary to secure this building.

The ground floor window, seen below, appears to be a replacement for a door, the arch of which can still be seen over the top of the window and a later door. This later door can also still faintly be seen, now bricked up, and with a scrap of wooden lintel still embedded in the stonework. As this, probably the original door way, is now bricked up, we will probably never know if there are further draw bar slots securing this entrance.

Cornelius Nicholson, in his fantastic book "The Annals of Kendal" makes mention of the hall. He notes that the hall "lays in the shadows of Hesfell Nab" and that "it was once a place of considerable importance." He goes on to tell us that the hall belonged to the Briggs family, who were cousins of the Philipsons, who held Hollin Hall near Crook, which also dates from the 16th century. The Philipsons were staunchly Royalist, and during the English Civil War, the Briggs family (who were Parliamentarians) frequently clashed. After the war, the Philipsons stripped their cousins, the Briggs, of all their Kendal possessions, including Helsfell Hall. The hall was emptied of all its furnishings and left derelict. It was only listed (Grade II) in 1984, seemingly after years of confusion over which of the three Hesfell Halls was the original and older. The hall was, in recent years, consolidated and repaired. All damaged pointing was replaced. Damaged portions of the roof were replaced and the derelict contemporary additions were removed and rebuilt.
Cornelius Nicholson also noted that there had been some excavations at the hall, and that an undated dig had revealed a two foot bronze cross. From this discovery, he deduced that there had been a small chapel at the hall.
I am very interested in the Briggs of Kendal, Westmoreland and Appleby.
I am a descendant of some of the Briggs of the area and would be very appreciative of any information regarding them and any other habitations etc. I know of Cowmire Hall once owned by Thomas Briggs.
I come from New Zealand. All information is most welcomed!
Lana mcQueen (nee Briggs)
After reading about cornelia Nicholson part . I am related to the philipsons of hollin hall. In the family history I have I do not have anything in there about the Briggs or helsfell hall. If the Briggs were cousins to the philipsons then that is a part of my family history I do not have .
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