Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Scarborough Castle, King John's curtain wall

Scarborough Castle
King John's curtain wall

Above. Looking along the wall towards the Keep.

Above. One of King John's curtain wall towers.

Above. Looking along the wall towards the earth banks and the inner bailey.

Above. Interior view of one of King John's curtain wall towers.

Above. Latrine....or machicolation?

Above. Detail of King John's curtain wall and tower.

Above. Looking South East along the outside of the curtain wall.

Above. Looking along the outside of the curtain wall towards North Bay.

Above. The same part of the curtain wall, this time from the inner bailey area.

Above. The Southern most end of King John's curtain wall, with the postern gate just visible.

Above. Portion of King John's curtain wall with Civil war breach.

Above. The curtain wall from within the inner bailey area.

Above. The curtain wall from within the inner bailey, looking South.

Above. Panoramic view of the curtain wall from the town below.

Above. Interior view of one of the curtain wall towers.

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