Saturday, October 13, 2012

Salkeld Dykes?

Salkeld Dykes

These photos were taken about a mile South of Lazonby, just North of North Dykes and a few hundred yards South of Scatter Beck. I'm not saying for sure that the scarp upon which the field wall is built represents the remains of Salkeld Dykes, but it is roughly the right area, and is in marked contrast to the flat fields either side of it.

Above. Looking West. The field wall is built on an earthen bank some six to eight feet high

Above. Looking East. Rough earthworks can be seen just to the front of the field wall. 

Above. A closer view of the earthworks in front of the wall

Above. Looking West again, showing the field wall built on top of the earth bank.

The dykes are thought to have been defensive earthworks thrown up around Great Salkeld as a defence against raids and as a Parish boundary marker. These photos are a tentative suggestion of the earthwork dykes that may have existed. More information can be found at the Gatehouse website.

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