Sunday, August 08, 2010

Tower A, Marygate, York

Tower A

Tower A lays less than a hundred feet North of the Water tower on Marygate, and is now little more than an empty stone shell of its former self.

Above. The tower looking North up Marygate.

This tiny tower was probably built in 1266, and altered over the course of the next hundred years or so. It is now a semi-circular structure, about ten feet in diameter and hollow on the inside. The tower projects about five feet beyond the front face of the wall.

Above. The tower looking South towards the River Ouse.

The above photo shows the tower looking towards the river. The Water tower is hidden below the brown stone wall visible at the end of the road. It's likely that much stone has been removed from the top of both the wall and the tower here, as both are no more than six feet high now.

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